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Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Happy new year
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from Psymonhilly :nfinity eSports wishes everyone a happy new year and a pleasant hangover.

Same to you mr. Hill and nfinity
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
It´s always fun to race, but i had a troubled time in this one. On lap 7 i think then Texas LTU and AsnL crashed and i hit them as i had nowhere to go and got heavy damage and my race was over. I chose to drive until 36 laps were left and stopped for repair that took ages to complete.

Anyway, thanks for organizing this race, Bertil & co. Race ya later
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Thanks Gray
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Register me for this race, i will try to be there...driving my FXR , no XRR this time, im getting old and it takes me ages to get up to speed
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Welcome back Darko
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Name : Arni Arnason
LFS Username : Arni Arnason
Preferred number (02-99): 20
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
I see that i am listed twice in the reserve list, as no 87 and 20...i will take no 20 if that is ok
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
I see that i need a racenumber, so 20 or 24 would be nice if they are available, but if not then just choose me a number.

Thanks, Arni
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
  • LFS Username : Arni Arnason
  • Real Name :Arni Arnason
  • Team :Core Racing
  • Preferred Number :22 or 44 as last season
Last edited by Arni Arnason, .
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Welcome lads ..
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :Best of luck guys, and try to get Jakub sober some time so he can race.

I doubt that is possible...and he races well dunk anyway
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Good work there Lukasz,and good luck with the team.
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :i find these posts regarding the price of lfs frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that scawen (wrongly imo), has branded lfs an alpha product and decided not to distribute lfs in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, i have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to lfs in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on sky tv, which thanks to lfs, i never get to watch :d

asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iracing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, i would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if lfs did go the subscription route, i would leave instantly. But what i would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May i talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for s3, on top of s2. So, lfs s3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing lfs in shops, putting in 10 real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell lfs could easily (imo) take over iracing. Iracing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what lfs "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

lfs already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of s3 on the horizon. This is not before time imho, but it will be free.

When s3 does come out, i hope it will be a big change, but i do fear that it won't. I hope to god that s3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that lfs caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite dx8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over

Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from audimasta :great stuff yannick

Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from tomylee :I can't understand the talking about the price. Right now the game costs just 26€ for quite some real fun. And with the new track it will be arround 40€ in total. There are always new features and improvements made and with the first version you can still drive online.
Compare that with other games. Just take EA Sports. They make some rubbish improvements every year and you have to pay again 50 bugs. And try to play online with and old version there. I bet you will have some problems.

So what, drink two or three beer's less next weekend and you have your S3 money...

So true, this is not a big money and i would happily pay every now and then for improvements, people have got to understand that improvements don´t come unless the dev´s get paid for there work. Just normal business. I have have been racing since 2005 for those 24 pounds i paid in the beginning....thats now 4 years, 6 punds a year.
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Good luck to you all
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Deleting hotlaps in previous patches has been done before,and i am sure they will be deleted again because of tire physics change as mentioned before.

But....the good part is that it will be a hotlap feast and noobs like some of us can get a lot of wr´s and have a brief period of glory until arrechee´s and those arrowcart´s go at it again illepall
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
I suggest that you look for a team name that does not already exist in LFS.

If you look in LFS database under teams you see that there are already a NOS team and that has been around for a long time,and is active now.
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
That was a surprise.... Good luck in the future Tommy
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Welcome both of you
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Congrats to both parties
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Very interesting idea there,it will sure wake me up from my LFS sleep
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :AVG turned to a resource hog after the 7.x versions. It's sooo slow browsing files when it's installed. Avira is much better in that respect, and I prefer it to AVG, although it has a popup window when it's performing updates (Can be disabled though).

Thanks for that info about disabling the pop-up,love my Avira again
New sim..X-Motor Racing.
Arni Arnason
S2 licensed
Found this when i was browsing for racing sims,but it seems that this is in it´s first stages of development kinda like LFS in 2003.

It has demo but i haven´t downloaded it yet.So has anyone seen this and tested ?